BlueSCSI v2 PowerBook

 36,00 59,00

To be used as a replacement of an internal PowerBook SCSI hard drive (make sure that your PowerBook has a SCSI hard drive because many had IDE drives).

This model has a jumper to enable or disable SCSI termination.

We are selling revision 2023_10a of the hardware.

SKU: bluescsi-v2-powerbook-2 Category: Tags: , , Brand:


Fully Assembled Version

The fully assembled version comes fully tested and ready to use. Just provide a microSD card.

Kit Version

In the kit version, the SMD parts come already soldered. All you have left to solder are the header pins and the SCSI connector. These are through-hole parts, and it’s fairly easy to do if you have some soldering practice.

You may also exclude the Raspberry Pi Pico completely, in which case you’ll have to supply your own, as well as headers for it.

Pico Type

You have a choice of either a traditional Raspberry Pi Pico, or a Raspberry Pi Pico W (wireless).

The wireless version is needed to take advantage of the DaynaPORT Wifi feature:

Note: the PowerBook version of BlueSCSI is typically used internally, inside a casing that shields its contents from the outside world, including radio signals. This means that the Pico W might have a hard time communicating over Wi-Fi over medium to long distances.

The Pico will be flashed with the latest version of the firmware at the time of ordering.

Printed Tray

You can also get a 3D-printed tray in the colour of your choice. Note that these are early 3D models. They are functional, but better models will be made available by the community in the coming month.


We ship from Belgium to all continental European countries, and all countries of the European Union. In nearly all cases, your order will be mailed as a letter, free of custom fees.

More details can be found in the FAQ.

Additional information


Fully Assembled, Kit

Pico Type

Regular Pico, Pico Wireless (Pico W), No Pico

Tray Colour

Blue, Black, Platinum, No Tray