SCSI Adapter with Blinking Lights

 22,00 41,00


  • 50 pin SCSI Desktop Internal Male
  • 50 pin SCSI Desktop Internal Female
  • Centronics 50 pin Female
  • DB25 Female
  • PowerBook Female
  • Berg (floppy) connector for power
  • 18 blinking status lights
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This is a SCSI adapter with flashing indicator lights (DB0-DB7, DBP, ATN, BSY, ACK, RST, MSG, SEL, CD, REQ, IO) to monitor and adapt SCSI devices from one format to another.

Important Notes:
* The Centronics 50 pin connector must not be installed backward.  The wider side faces DB25 and narrower side faces internal 50 pin.
* Notch in the “male” SCSI connector must face correctly, see the picture (next to DB6, DB7, DBP lights)
* Alignment peg on the “female” SCSI connector must face correctly, see the picture (also next to DB6, DB7, DBP lights)

Includes connections for:
* 50 Pin Desktop Internal Male (needs a ribbon cable)
* 50 Pin Desktop Internal Female (mostly useful for testing internal 50 pin BlueSCSI, not useful for directly hooking to an internal drive.  This connector is crazy tight and hard to get anything out of once plugged in.)
* Centronics 50 pin
* DB25
* PowerBook Internal (you must line up the pin marked with X with the missing pin on your PowerBook hard drive connector.  Otherwise the signals will be in the wrong order and chaos will ensue.)

This ought to work for adapting to and from any of these connections.

In addition, there are LEDs onboard which blink as the SCSI bus goes about its business, indicating which signals are in use.

And as one final bonus there’s a Floppy Power connection on here.  This can be used to hook up an internal PowerBook hard drive to a Desktop machine for backup, as an example.

Additional information


Fully Assembled, Kit